R. Henson - America's Contemporary Writer

"Me?  Oh, well, you know - it ain't easy being me."
 - Kevin, St. Elmo's Fire, (1984)

So, a little about me, then... well, other than what you see to what I'm assuming is your left:

My current body of work includes published works in many small magazines and literary journals.  Take it from me; there are so many really wonderful writers who you miss when you pass up the "Take one, they're free" rags.    I write Short Stories and Flash Fiction along with contemporary prose on life's mysteries, (love, angst and pretty much the joy and heartache inherent in it all), and literary essays on contemporary Pop, Alternative Rock and Country music.

My newest project, as you've read above, is the Traveler trilogy.  The first book, aptly named Traveler, is nearly completed, though certainly there will be editing and more editing.  The present timetable for bookshelves is Fall of 2014, hopefully in time for a Halloween launch party.

I'm in love with what I do, and couldn't imagine anything else; the people I would thank for pushing, pulling, kicking, shoving and, (in a case or two), leaving me where I am know who they are - in all sincerity, thanks for placing me here...

I've never been happier.

So, let's get to it:  On the following pages you're going to find updates about the book - the specifics on when it hits shelves and general information about my process and ideas.  There are a couple of contests I'm thinking about... several people have asked for their name in the book... good prize idea!

You'll also find articles that have been published or will be published in the future.  If you feel up to it, hit me up on FB and 'Like' my page there, (the link will be around here somewhere), also if you're a Google+ fan, I've got one on there too... I appreciate the support in all that...

Oh, and if there's a song or a thought you'd like analyzed to infinity and back, use the contact button and let me know... I'm always up for a challenge!

Thanks, and happy reading!

"No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance."  ~ Confucius

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